Case studies
This section provides a range of case studies related to care planning.
Case studies and examples
Island Bay Medical Centre
As an experienced practice nurse, Fiona has a good insight into just
how much nurses can contribute to the primary care team. She has
undertaken several clinical roles including outreach and home visiting.
These roles required her to draw on all her clinical skills as well as gain
a deeper understanding of the social and cultural influences on the
health of her patients.
Fiona Kymbrekos – Clinical Manager Island Bay Medical Centre
Manawanui Whai Ora Kaitiaki
Manawanui Whai Ora Kaitiaki (MWOK) started as a pilot programme supported with innovation funding through the Ministry of Health’s Self-Management and Shared Care contract. The programme is funded through the Hauraki Hauora Alliance Flexible Funding Pool. The MWOK model of care is intended to respond to patients with Long Term Conditions (LTCs) through empowering people with LTCs to successfully self-manage their condition in partnership with a range of practitioners.
Hauraki PHO