Self-management support training modules
This section includes a range of training modules designed for continuing professional development.
On this page:
These training modules have been developed to be used in primary care practices for primary care staff.
The modules are designed to be facilitated by whoever leads continuing professional development in your practice, eg, nurse leader or someone from your primary health organisation.
The modules could be used in other contexts as well, such as secondary care or by non-governmental organisations.
Each module has a training plan for the facilitator and a handout for all participants who attend the training session. Each participant needs a copy of the handout.
Each session takes about one hour.
Each session follows a similar format – finding out what people already know, building on that knowledge and, at the end, an evaluation and reflection activity about the session.
The examples in the training modules have been developed from our observations in primary care settings or from situations that have been described to us.
We have provided the handouts in both pdf and Word format. The Word format allows you to make changes to the examples, scenarios and case studies to better fit your practice setting and patients. If you do make changes to the examples, scenarios please send us your examples to help us when we write more modules.
You can find a certificate of completion here. If the participants would find it useful to receive a certificate, you can modify the attached certificate which is made available as a PowerPoint document.

Asking questions
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
describe assumptions in health care settings and the impact of those assumptions
describe the difference between closed and open questions
identify which questions could be used in different SMS situations
identify a question/questions they could use in future.
Training plan
Download Word doc
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ

By the end of this session participants will be able to:
explain why listening skills are so important to support patients to self-manage
identify what a good listener does
identify why listening can be difficult
describe the difference between listening to reply and listening to understand
describe the stages of listening to understand.
Training plan
Download Word doc
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ

Behaviour change
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
explain why coaching for change is so important in SMS situations
describe why changing behaviour is so difficult for health professionals/health coaches
describe the stages of coaching for change if someone has already decided to change
describe approaches to brief interventions that can be used as an introduction to behavioural change
describe 5 stages in behavioural change.
Training plan
Download Word doc
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ

Cultural safety
By the end of Modules 1 & 2 participants will be able to:
understand what cultural safety is and why it is important
understand that cultural safety is affected by biases
describe a personal bias that they have in a community setting
identify and describe a bias and its impact in health care
describe personal biases they have in health care settings
Training plan
Download Word doc
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ

Ask Build Check
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
describe the Ask, Build, Check model
describe the key features of Ask and why it is the most important step
describe key features and strategies under the Build step
describe key features and strategies under the Check step
practise each of the 3 steps: Ask, Build, Check
identify when they are going to start using Ask, Build, Check.
Training plan
Download Word doc
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ

What is SMS?
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
explain the difference between self-management (SM), self-management education (SME) and self-management support (SMS)
describe 2 different approaches to SMS
identify how SMS assists people at different stages of their long-term condition (LTC)
identify at least 3 strategies they can use in SMS
describe what strategies support different aspects of SMS – self-efficacy, behaviour changes, focus on clinical skills and providing information.
Training plan
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ

Social networks and care maps
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
describe a social network for someone with LTCs
identify the social networks and supports for different people with LTCs
describe a social network and develop a care map for a person with LTCs they work with.
Training plan
Download Word doc
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ

Using written and other resources
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
describe how resources are selected, ordered, stored and used with people with long-term conditions (LTCs)
identify a written resource they use with people with LTCs
describe a process for using a written resource or visuals with a person with LTCs
identify suitable resources from a list of resources and apps.
Training plan
Download Word doc
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ

Medicine checks
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
describe who is able to do a medicine review in New Zealand
describe what people with LTCs need to know about their medicines
describe a process they can use with people with LTCs to record what they know about their medicines
describe how they can help people with LTCs learn more about their medicines.
Training plan
Download Word doc
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ

How poverty affects self-management and self-management support
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
identify the social determinants of health
describe examples of how one social determinant of health can affect people with LTCs living in poverty
describe different strategies they can use with people with LTCs who live in poverty
recognise that not all people with LTCs living in poverty will behave the same way.
Training plan
Download Word doc
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ

Health coaching
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
describe how health coaching skills are similar to the skills New Zealand’s top sport coaches use
identify examples where they have and could use health coaching skills in their practice.
Training plan
Download Word doc
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ

What happens when things don't go according to plan?
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
recognise when things are not going to plan in an appointment with a person with LTCs
have a range of strategies they can use in these situations, resulting in a good outcome for all parties.
Training plan
Download Word doc
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ

SMS strategies for more experienced health professionals/health coaches
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
identify a wide range of SMS strategies used to support people with LTCs
provide examples of strategies from their own practice
identify one new strategy they will use in future.
Training plan
Download Word doc
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ

Care planning
Download Word doc
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ

Goal setting and action planning
By the end of the session, participant will be able to:
explain what goal setting and action planning are and how they support behaviour change for people with LTCs
describe the difference between behavioural goals and healthcare team/outcome goals
describe how to assess importance and confidence in relation to achieving a goal
complete goal setting and action plans
describe the reasons why ‘pacing’ is important
describe ways to record and monitor goals and action plans and why this is important
describe some ways of monitoring and recording action plans and goals.
Health Literacy NZ & Health Navigator NZ